• This 3-hour workshop takes participants through :

    identifying and reflecting on their own implicit and explicit bias,

    creating culturally relevant, inclusive, and responsive environments, and

    promoting conversations with young children and their families about diversity, justice, and inclusion

    The TOJC workshops include a facilitation team of at least two presenters to ensure more perspective and diversity.

    Workshops also come with the Threads of Justice Collective new resource: "Justice and Inclusion Toolkit for Young Children and Their Adults"

  • One-on-One or Small Cohort Coaching for Program Directors, Education Coordinators, Mentor Teachers, and Workshop Facilitators

  • Implementing practices, policies, professional development, and curriculum grounded in anti-bias, anti-oppression, and anti-racism.

  • Providing professional development workshops, teaching tools and coaching in anti-bias/oppression/anti-racism for Early Childhood Care and Education

  • Supporting early childhood care and education providers and parents in understanding how our work and interactions with children are impacted by the existence of bias

  • Recognizing the importance of identity, differences, and injustice in children’s health and social/emotional development

TOJC will support Program Staff and Individuals in Leadership roles with coaching services to include but not limited to these topics:

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Contact us to consult with a trainer about your needs.